Master HTML5 Bootstrap5 & ReactJs From Scratch, Learn to develop any website using ReactJs and Bootstrap 5.
In this course, you will learn to develop any kind of website using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap 5 and ReactJs.
We will start by setting up our local development environment, first we will learn to install Visual Studio Code editor, then we will go ahead and install NodeJS runtime.
Next we will move on to creating the first react app, then we will move on to understanding how a create application work.
We will understand the folder structure of the ReactJs project and understand the ReactJs lifecycle and how different aspects works.
We will then move on to integrating Bootstrap 5, Font Awesome, Google Fonts, npm packages into our ReactJs project.
We will Create a complete fully functional professional website with different sections like:
- Navigation Bar
- Footer
- Hero section with Carousel and Slider
- Featured Posts section
- Latest Posts section
- Call to Action section
- Our Portfolio section
- Contact us form
- About us page
- Footer section with different parts like Quick Links, Newsletter and Contact Address
We will do all this in a step by step approach by doing hands-on and using different Bootstrap 5 classes serving different purpose.
We will make sure our website is professional and responsive in different kinds of devices.
This is a beginner friendly course, you just need to have basic knowledge to get started with this course.