How to Get a Literary Agent For Your Book, Tips For Successfully Pitching Your Book Idea To An Literary Agent.
Course Description
Getting a literary agent is not easy. I should know: I’ve had multiple agents over my literary career. I signed my first contract with an agent in 2007, and have worked with several over the years. I’ve traditionally published 4 books and have learned a lot about what it takes to get an agent and sign your first book deal.
If you are considering an agent, this video will walk you through everything that you need know–including if it’s the right path for you!
Topics include:
- When should you start your search for an agent
- How to find an agent
- When should you pitch to an agent
- Is an agent right for you
- What exactly an agent does (and doesn’t) do
- How to write to an agent
- What happens after you sign a contract
- Putting together a book proposal
- What if things don’t work out with the agent
- Samples of both a winning query letter and book proposal
- And much more!
If you are ready to take the next steps in your writing journey, then this is the course for you! I can’t guarantee that you’ll find an agent after watching this–only a great proposal and book can do that–but it will teach you what you need to know to be successful.