Practical Mind Reading and Mentalism


Practical Mind Reading and Mentalism, AudioLearning° takes education beyond the limits of the classroom. Anywhere, anytime. faster and better.

Learn about thought, transference, telepathy, mental currents, mental rapport, etc. This course contains Practical Instructions, Exercises, and Directions to start practicing mind reading and mentalism.

Practical Mind Reading is a manual on how to read minds and develop telepathic powers, with a large number of experiments that can turn anyone who does them into an expert mind reader capable of being a public performer.

This course was created by William Walker Atkinson in 1907, and it is considered one of the best esoteric books of all time: “There is a method to learn to perform the feats of Mind Reading yourself. By means of very little practice you will be able to reproduce many of the demonstrations of the public performers, as well as the experiments of the scientific societies, and then when you have realized that you can do these things you will need no further proof of the reality of the science of Mind Reading”.

This podcast was developed and corrected by a multidisciplinary team of educators and A.I. generated voice technologies, specially designed for people who want to be more productive by speed-listening.

We have more than 6000 users who are learning faster and better with AudioLearning°, even 3x the speed than reading or watching a video.

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