Adobe photoshop advance techniques: Sneaker/Footwear design


Adobe photoshop advance techniques: Sneaker/Footwear design, Photoshop techniques to create beautiful digital design of shoe design / Sneaker design step by step.

                                          ******* Photoshop cc course 2022 ( Shoe / Sneaker design from sketch ) *******

In this course, you will learn how to design shoes / Sneaker from sketch start to finish, And at the end of this course you will be able to design shoes / Sneakers design and techniques of creation of shadows and highlights to create realistic effects then you can apply these techniques to any design or concept to make professional and realistic.

  • To – The – point course without any confusion
  • Layer by Layer


  • Software: Photoshop cc version 2020 or 2019 or 2018 or 2017 or 2014 or 2015 or any previous version like cs5 or cs6 etc…
  • PC or Laptop
  • Your precious time!

That’s it!!!

Who can join that course?

  • Anybody can join this course
  • Students
  • 3D software workers
  • Freelancers
  • Graphic artist
  • Businessman
  • Part-time job workers
  • Skills learners
  • Passionate about learning and growing skills
  • Engineers

Student Reviews:

*** Catherine R ***

” Thank you for this amazing course, I am a beginner but I learned very easily with these skill-filled courses. They were advanced and easy and the step-by-step techniques were great. Very easy to understand, and I totally loved all tutorials. Everything was clear and easy to follow and was well organized. Great course and an awesome instructor. Highly recommended.”

*** Mobeen Qureshi ***

“I enjoyed this a lot. I’m currently trying to expand on my UI / UX Design skills and further learn sneaker design & 3D modeling. Other tips and resource recommendations would be very helpful.”


Let’s start learning today and increase your knowledge and skills in a professional way.

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