Your Ultimate Guide from Student to Employee


Your Ultimate Guide from Student to Employee, Everything You Didn’t Learn in College.

Course Description

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One of the biggest gaps we have in terms of education is that we do not accurately prepare graduating seniors for how to do things like write resumes, job search, interview, pay and wages, taxes, benefits and career development. Instead we charge them up to hundreds of thousands of dollars to learn theoretical or academic information.

Why do we have to know what happened during the Byzantine Empire, or how far Neptune is, but we never teach what a Product Developer does or how to build a marketing plan?

So I’ve synthesized all of my knowledge into this course to provide seniors and college students the real information they need in order to succeed within “Corporate America”

Note that this course is targeted to American students and I use specific legislature and recommendations for that. Some of the theoretical or universal practices may still be useful to students in other countries, but just know in advance this has a heavy emphasis within the context of America and state tax and payment legislature.

EDIT: Please note that this course originally had a section called “Terminations”. This was a part of the course designed to walk through and understand how exits/and terminations work. Unfortunately it brought the course count up too high so I had to eliminate it in order to stay below the 2 hour limit Udemy uses for free courses.

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