Getting into Medical School for Dummies


Getting into Medical School for Dummies, Any dummy can get into medical school… seriously.

Course Description

I am an absolute dummy. I’m not kidding. I don’t consider myself to be that smart when it comes to education. I didn’t take any honors or AP classes in high school. I didn’t graduate high school with any scholastic awards or any extracurricular acheivements. While in college, I didn’t participate in ANY extracurricular activities. I wasn’t on any sports teams. I didn’t publish any papers. I didn’t graduate with honors, and I certainly didn’t sign up for any expensive MCAT review courses.

Despite all of this, I got accepted to one of the most prestigious medical schools in the country… George Washington University School of Medicine, located in Washington D.C.

How was I able to do this without being that smart, without paying for tutors, or signing up for expensive MCAT study programs? I did it by following the tips and tricks I collected from those that had already successfully walked this path.

I am going to share ALL of these tips and tricks with you in this course. You won’t have to scour the internet and read hundreds of blog posts and forums to find what I am going to share. In fact, even if you did, you likely wouldn’t find what I’m going to share with you in this course.

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