How to test your business idea, Learn the most authentic idea validation process yet discovered for startups and new product launches.
Course Description
Just a few weeks before Apple’s iPod’s launch, The engineers presented their final product to CEO Steve Jobs. After thousands of hours of working on the product, they were confident of getting approval. Jobs was quiet for a moment. Finally, he stood, walked to an aquarium, and dropped the iPod in the tank. After it touched the bottom, bubbles floated to the top. “Those are air bubbles,” he snapped. “That means there’s space in there. Make it smaller.”
The failures of ideas can teach much bigger lessons than success, which is what Steve Jobs did after learning from the failure of “Newton.” The first revolutionary device was launched by Apple, but it was met with failure due to its large size. But fortunately, after completing this course, you don’t need to work so long on your ideas. This course introduces the discovery of “Distill ideas.” The most authentic method discovered yet for testing ideas. Consciously or unconsciously, “Distill Ideas” philosophy is at the root of any successful idea.
The crux of this course is how to validate your business idea with a systematic process. Your startup business can withstand harsh conditions in the initial years if you have perfectly cemented your idea. No matter if it’s a giant like Google or a person of small resources selling food on a truck in nooky streets. Whoever follows the science of Distill ideas can generate success.
This course is not just a set of lectures but a groundbreaking discovery in the business world!
After 15 years of experience working with over 500 startups and small business owners across the globe, I have discovered a foolproof process for testing a business idea. I call it “Distill Ideas.“The four-step process distills an idea from its inception to make it viable to execute flawlessly. The process covers idea validation from a 360-degree perspective, so by the end of the course, you have the confidence that no stone is left unturned!