Solid Waste Management


Solid Waste Management, Learn how to manage solid waste easily.

Course Description

This course will consist of the following things:

1. Types of solid waste

a. Food waste

b) Rubbish

c) Ashes and residues

d) Construction waste

e) Special waste

f) Treatment plant waste

g) Hazardous waste

2. Sources of solid waste

a) Municipal Waste

b) Agricultural waste

c) Industrial Waste

d) Institutional waste

e) Commercial Waste

f) Residential Waste

3.Different Methods of Solid Waste Collection

In India following Methods are used for solid waste collection:

A] House to house collection

a) Curb service

b) Alley service

c) Set out service

d) Set out set back service

e) Back Yard service

B] Storage Bin system

4.Process technique used for Solid Waste Treatment

a) Mechanical Volume reduction

b) Thermal Volume reduction

5. Disposal Methods

• To use landfills effectively a plan of operation for the placement of solid waste must be prepared. On the basis of field experience various operational methods have been developed

a) Landfill Method

i. Trench method ii. Area Method

b) Deep well Injection Method

c) Composting

i. open window composting ii. Mechanical composting (Banglore method of Composting)

6. 3R’s Principle for solid waste management

a) Reuse

b) Recycle

c) Reduce

7. Bio-Medical Waste

8. Sources of Biomedical Waste

a) Slaughter House

b) Hospital / Clinic

c) Research Laboratories

d) Morgues / Funeral Homes

e) Physician, Dentist, Veterians

f) Micro-biological cultures / stocks

9. Color Coding of Bio-Medical waste Container

10. Treatment of Biomedical waste

Various treatments used for biomedical waste are given below:

a) Mechanical Process

b) Thermal Process

i. Autoclave ii. Incineration iii. Microwave iv. Plasma

c) Chemical Process

d) Irradiation Process

e) Biological Process

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