The Complete Python NumPy Tutorial


The Complete Python NumPy Tutorial, Learn NumPy with 100+ hands-on live running coding examples and exercises.

Course Description

Welcome to the NumPy Tutorial for Beginners by Studyopedia.

NumPy is an open-source Python library, that allows you to work with multi-dimensional arrays and matrices, with the mathematical functions operating on these arrays. It stands for Numerical Python and is written in Python and C. It is a Python library for numeric and scientific computing. It consists of multi-dimensional array objects. It is faster with less LOC.

Numpy allows you to perform various operations on Arrays, including

Array Slicing

Array Join

Array Split

Array Reshape

Array Intersection

Array Arithmetic Operations

Array Statistical Operations

Course Lessons

NumPy Introduction

Installing NumPy with pip

Create NumPy arrays

Dimensions in NumPy Arrays

Initialize NumPy Arrays

Datatypes in NumPy

NumPy Array Indexing

NumPy Array Slicing

NumPy Array Shape

Reshape a NumPy array

Iterate NumPy Arrays

Joining NumPy Arrays

Split NumPy Array

Search an Array for a value

Sorting NumPy Arrays

Axes in NumPy arrays

Intersection of NumPy Arrays

Difference between NumPy arrays

Arithmetic Operations on NumPy arrays

Scalar operations on NumPy arrays

Statistical Operations on NumPy arrays

Random module in NumPy

NumPy Logs

NumPy LCM and HCF


25. Quiz

We have also provided an Online Quiz to polish your NumPy skills after completing the lessons.

100+ live coding examples are covered to make each lesson easier for the students.

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