Create a Mental Safe Space in 60 Minutes


Create a Mental Safe Space in 60 Minutes, 100Yr Habits: Build habits and strategies to manage your stress and emotions under any circumstance.

Course Description

Transform Your Mental Health: Master Emotional Autonomy in Under 60 Minutes

100Yr Habits is a personal mission born from my own struggles with depression, anxiety, and stress-induced health issues since childhood. With a vision to make mental health education accessible and free for everyone, I have poured 15 years of my holistic mental health management experience into this course..

In the whirlwind of adulthood, balancing professional and personal life, I have faced escalating mental health challenges that demanded constant adaptation of my habits and strategies. This course is my invitation to you to engage, learn, and grow together in managing these universal challenges.

100Yr Habits offers a unique approach. Instead of conventional therapy methods, you will explore life patterns, emotional awareness, and practical strategies for building your mental safe space. No matter where you are in life.

This journey is about more than just managing emotions; it’s about thriving in all aspects of life – emotional, psychological, and physical. Experience relief from mental barbwires, chest heaviness, and profound fatigue through learning from my real-life stories and applying practical strategies in your life right away. Share this course with others and spread the knowledge and positivity.

Your empowered, emotionally autonomous life begins here.

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