Voice 101: Alexa Custom Skill Development Fundamentals, Learn the basics of building custom Alexa Skills.
Course Description
In this course you will get a solid introduction to the fundamentals of building premium Alexa Voice Skills. Voice development offers new and exciting opportunities for developers. With over 100,000,000 Alexa-powered devices sold to date, now is the time to learn how to build for this ecosystem.
Here’s how the course will work:
- You’ll start by learning how to plan and design your custom Alexa skill. You’ll get valuable insights on how to approach building out your custom skill. These insights will help you as you start to build out more complex skills
- Next, you’ll start diving into the Alexa Developer Console where you will learn how to easily build your first skill, using zero code to start
- After that, you’ll take a deep dive into understanding Alexa Skill Invocation. Skill invocation is important, because it goes to the heart of how your customers will tell Alexa to start your skill
- Up next will be a solid overview of Skill Intents and Functions. You will have a good understanding of the complexities of Alexa Skill Intents and Functions
- Finally, you will learn the ins and outs of the Alexa Dialog Model
In addition to the fundamental aspects listed above, you will learn some new exciting APIs in the Alexa Development ecosystem, as well as get introduced to more advanced topics, including:
- The basics of writing code for your skill
- Writing code for skill persistence
- Deep dive on Built-In Intents
- Understanding SSML (Speech Synthesis Markup Language)
- APL (Alexa Presentation Language) Introduction
- ISPÂ (In-Skill Purchasing) Introduction
- Testing Skills
You will also get hands-on experience with plenty of demos, activities, and quizzes.