What To Do in Your 20s So You Can Retire By Your 40s


What To Do in Your 20s So You Can Retire By Your 40s, The 6 Things You Need To Do When You’re Young So You Can Successfully Retire Early.

Course Description

I was recently on the Q&A site Quora and someone asked “What should I learn in my 20s that will help me to financially retire at 35 and travel the world for the rest of my life?

I started my answer “I retired at 43, but if I knew in my 20s what I know now, then I could’ve retired at 35. Here are the 6 steps I’ve developed to help young people set themselves up for a successful early retirement:

I went on to describe these 6 steps:

  1. Know Your Numbers
  2. Figure Out Your Target Retirement Goals
  3. Pay Down Debt
  4. Maximize Your Income NOW
  5. Learn How To Invest
  6. Slash Your Expenses

To my surprise, in the first 3 weeks my answer had 742k views, 2.88k upvotes, and 935 shares.

Why? Two reasons:

1) Young people are starving for good information about personal finance. They simply don’t teach you this stuff in school. And,

2) The 6 steps are very simple. It’s not rocket science and is very doable.

If you’re still in your 20s, you have the most powerful asset available: TIME. Please enjoy this FREE mini-course illustrating what you should do now so you can be retired by your 40s!

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