Learn IELTS with ease, English is easier with me.
Course Description
My course changes according to your current level and target. For instance, if you are an IELTS student struggling with reading, the program takes about 3 lessons to understand the structure in depth but may take 1 month or longer to effectively apply in real exam conditions. The listening section is the least demanding part of IELTS, requiring only about two or three lessons to learn how to apply the methods but to apply them effectively you need to have a great range of vocabulary and understanding of how they are pronounced and applied in the context. These two sections are not very difficult to learn and you can easily improve them in only one month if you truly do exactly what I tell you to do. When comes to speaking, there is only so much I can do for you like I can help you understand how you should answer what you can do or cannot do in the speaking test but the best way to improve speaking is actually speaking even if you don’t have anyone to practice speaking with just remember that you have yourself practice with yourself. Writing is where you will truly understand that you have made the right decision to take my classes because in the writing section students cannot truly correct their mistakes or their overall understanding of what actually is writing is about.