Occupational Therapists Role in Babes with Tongue Ties
Occupational Therapists Role in Babes with Tongue Ties, Drake University Doctoral Capstone Experience.
Course Description
This course is designed to educate viewers about my 14-week Doctoral Capstone Experience, which I completed at ProActive Pediatric Therapy in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Participants will learn about the benefits occupational therapy has on feeding quality in infants who have tongue ties. This course will walk through the research I used to complete my needs assessment, critically appraised topic, and my outline for a successful capstone project. You will learn why I chose clinical practice skills for my area of focus and my overarching goal for the capstone project. You will be able to identify the contributions to the profession and the capstone connection to Drake University’s occupational therapy department program themes. The course will detail my learning objectives, learning activities, and artifacts that support the completion of each objective. Examples of artifacts within this course include; social media posts to increase awareness about occupational therapy’s role in feeding quality, a list of appropriate assessments used, an intervention guide, a resource that provides a list of appropriate and necessary recourses, a document describing how being a Certified Lactation Counselor adds a distinct value to occupational therapy sessions, and my Certified Lactation Counselor certification. This Udemy course includes video lectures with a VoiceOver, various informational social media posts, and educational handouts given to families. At the end of the course, there will be four questions that viewers and participants will be able to answer based on the information provided through this course.