Crack Business Analysis! Understand what is business analysis.
Course Description
BA is fairly a broad topic. It looks like an elephant in a dark room! I have tried to unwrap the “Business Analysis” topic and make it clearly described. This course will shed light on business analysis to show you the big picture!
Why should you explore a career as a Business Analyst?
1. It is becoming trendy in the coming decade.
2. It is information and technology-oriented!
3. It is an interdisciplinary carrier which means at any age, and from any background, you can give it ago! However, needless to say that it does not fits everybody!
4. Every non-small business needs this role!
5. There is a huge opportunity to progress, and you can experience a variety of industries and sectors and learn new tools, software, frameworks, etc.
Why this course?
To know about the broad topic of business analysis through an organised big picture.
To decide what type of BAÂ will suit you.
What this course is not about?
It is a high level and reference crach course, which means not much details are discueed/provided.
Lesson one for a good BA; set the right expectations!
Note: The original course reached the two hour free limit. So, “the tools” was removed to keep it under two hours. A new course containing the tools will be published hopefully soon.