Ten Tips and Tricks for Acing Physics Problems, Tips and tricks accumulated over the years to make solving physics problems far easier.
Course Description
“The only way to learn mathematics is to do mathematics” – Paul Halmos
While this course focuses on physics, the core concept is the same – in order to learn how to solve physics problems, you must do physics problems. However, like with most things in life, the hardest part is to start.
This course isn’t designed to be a comprehensive course on physics. It won’t turn you into a genius problem whiz overnight.
What it will do, however, is give you the tools to be able to approach any physics problem without fear – whether that’s trying to find the net force on a block in your first year, or calculating the various components of the Ricci tensor for the FRW metric in General Relativity.
Examples are given at various levels of physics, so both newcomers and old hands will be faced with engaging examples.
Using the approaches outlined in this lecture series, you will, with enough practice, be able to come to an answer quickly, effectively, and accurately.
Also, not being stuck is a heck of a lot more fun.