Stress & Anxiety Management


Stress & Anxiety Management, Escape the trials and tribulations of a stressful life. Explore the different ways of looking at stress and anxiety.

Course Description

– Stress Management

Stress is not a new phenomenon. While the demands of daily living have changed, the fact is that humans have been combatting stress and utilizing it for their survival for centuries.

It is possible to escape the trials and tribulations of a stressful life. Instead of fixating on the negative, we can focus on the positive to create a much better situation for ourselves overall.

Once we have control of our minds, then everything else should come with relative ease. Nothing is beyond our grasp!

In this video course you will explore different ways of looking at stress.

Topics covered:

  • Learning The Difference Between Assertive And Aggressive
  • Redirecting Your Thoughts And Feelings
  • Taking Care Of Your Body
  • Identifying Your Bad Habits
  • Know The Difference Between Stress And Chronic Depression
  • Avoiding Toxic People And Behaviors
  • Learn When To Ask For Help
  • Building A Support Network
  • Having Patience And Forgiveness For Yourself
  • Overcoming The Negativity Bias And Thinking Positively

The Anti-Anxiety Formula

This video course is perfect for those who want to overcome anxiety for good, so that they could live a stress-free life!

Anxiety is the main obstacle that stops someone from reaching their full potential. Anxiety is a common obstacle that stops us from achieving success in personal & professional lives.

You will discover everything you need to know about overcoming anxiety, fears, and depression: proven & powerful strategies to overcome your stuck points, how to face your inner demons, the simple step-by-step action plan for overcoming resistance to change, how to silence your fears…

Topics covered:

  • You and Your Anxiety-How to Overcome Your Stuck Points
  • Your Mind, Your Body- How to Face Your Inner Demons
  • Overcoming Resistance to Change
  • Reflection-How to Arrive at Acceptance and Move on From There
  • Action against Angst-How to Act on Your Fears and Achieve Your Goals
  • Navigating Self-Imposed Obstacles- How to Stop Being a Hard Task Master
  • Preventing Burnout-How to Overcome Your Anxiety Without Getting Tied-Down by the Idea of Perfection
  • You’ve Got This – How to Banish Worry and Live Panic-Free

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