1. Islam’s Three Fundamental Principles – FREE Audio Course

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1. Islam’s Three Fundamental Principles – FREE Audio Course, Authentically learn Islam – easily and quickly! (Audio Course).

Course Description

Digestible scholarly-approved content made-easy on what Islam is at core; learn and understand Islam with proofs exclusively from the Quran and Sunnah. You will understand the concept of Tawheed, why study it, and to learn its pillars, as well as knowing the three questions of the grave and how to answer them. This course is based on the world-renowned book called “Thalaathatul Usool” which is a summary on the also world-renowned book called “Kitaab ut-Tawheed”. It is known for it’s authenticity while being succinct and always accompanied with proof. Such is the way of knowledge; knowing the objective truth with proof.  This book revolves around the topic of Tawheed. Why should we learn Tawheed? Because we are created exclusively for it; Allah said in the Quran [meaning]: I have not created jinn and mankind except to worship me alone. (Quran, 51:56). Therefore, knowing Tawheed is pivotal to our salvation since it is the only way to Paradise. It is logical and also goes hand in hand with Revelation. Tawheed is to single out our Creator in worship. We must know it well, know its conditions, pillars, nullifiers and what blemishes it from one’s heart. Thus, seeking knowledge sincerely and authentically is crucial. It also contains a brief Seerah (i.e., biography) of Prophet Muhammad ï·º who said, “Seeking knowledge is an obligation.” [Authentic]. So, if you want to give dawah or learn what Islam is, this course is pivotal for that – let alone your salvation; by understanding these principles, acting upon them, calling to them, with patience.

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