A comprehensive course on quality tools and methods.


A comprehensive course on quality tools and methods. A Simple Guide to understand and use quality tools : From PDCA, A3,8D, 5 WHY, FMEA , Control plan and more . .

Course Description

It’s natural that everyone wants to produce a work or a product with the best quality possible, to do so you need to ask yourself few essential key questions to reach this goal :

  • Am I using the Seven basic quality tools (the Check sheet, the Brainstorming, the Cause and Effect Diagram, the Histogram, the Pareto Diagram, the Control charts, the Scatter plot) beside the Flow chart and the Process mapping ?
  • Do I understand how to solve problems in a simple and efficient way ?
  • Do I use proven methods ? such as: the A3, the 8D, the, 5 why, and the PDCA (Deming Cycle).
  • Do I understand and use preventive tools ?
  • Do I want to see a simple introduction about the Six Sigma and the Shainin methodology ?
  • Do I want to see all these methods in practice ?
  • Do I want to have a simple introduction to Quality Management System (QMS) ?

In this course you will get a simple explanation about all the concepts related to quality tools and methods with practical examples. At the end of this course you will be able to use those methods efficiently to improve the quality of your work in your day to day life. At the end :

We learn ,we improve,and we succeed “.


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