ACT Practitioner & Coaching Certificate Beginner to Advance

ACT Practitioner & Coaching Certificate Beginner to Advance, Maximize Your Potential. Create a fulfilled life and help others with Acceptance Commitment Techniques/Therapy. ACT now.
Course Description
Get what you want in life faster with more enriching and satisfying experiences. Get there more efficiently with the greatest in sustainability possible with ACT. ACT is a ACTion based modality. It requires effort. And it is a top to bottom and a bottom to top complete mind mastery Discipline.
The journey between where we are and where we want to be in life, is the greatest challenge humans face. The journey itself is a mix of simultaneous voyages. Personal, Relationship, Leadership, Management, Production and Transition development are 6 main phases of our human voyage. Life is made up of large and small chapters with emotional markers that deeply impact our self concept. We might get stuck with thoughts about the past or the future that bring up emotions that either help us move toward, away or frozen from what we desire (our bullseye). We might find that our reasoning isn’t working for us any longer. We might find that our judgement keeps creating barriers. We might have no idea what is happening other than we are unhappy, uninspired and mostly dissatisfied with life. The emotional Consequence!
When we feel dissatisfied from being stuck in thought with no answers, or feeling emotional overwhelm, or being busy but not getting anywhere, we have choices. The internal choice of seeking information for a means to change the consequences of our behaviors leads us to our external choices of exploring our options.
What are your options? Do nothing and hope that things change for the better? Examine what part we play in the unsatisfied consequences that bequeath us? Look for some help?
People that choose to examine themselves and/or look for help have a lot of options. Books, Audio Tapes, Video Series, On-Line educational Platforms. Also IN-Person Therapist, Counselors, Mentors and Life coaches. Once we figure out who and or what we get the information from, we still need help selecting the method or modality that works best for us. There are many to choose. Mindfulness is a broad category, so which one or more? What about NLP or CBT? What about a Life Coach, but do I choose the SMART, TGROW, TIGER, COACH or some other model? The irony for seeking help is that this search to overcome overwhelm, can be overwhelming. So what about ACT Acceptance Commitment Therapy/Techniques?
All modalities are helpful, some more than others. It depends on each individual. Honestly it comes down to willingness. If you are willing to change and apply a modality you will get results. Some results are better than others. This is where ACT separates itself from the others. ACT is different in the areas of Feelings and Emotions. This two areas of our life represent the foundation of our human experience. Emotions and Feelings are like accelerators and brakes. Thinking and thoughts are like roads and maps. Humans are like vehicles moving towards or away what we want or don’t want. NLP, CBT and the traditional Life Coaching frameworks are super at focusing on the roads and maps of your life. However, they are somewhat dismissive and disingenuous with feelings and emotions. The arrow of thinking and thoughts create feelings is real. So this is where these modalities focus their intervention and change work. However, Feelings also creates thinking and thoughts and this is where ACT jumps in with both feet. In fact ACT does both. ACT is a Thinking and Feeling modification strategy system. Being a Practitioner enables you to become fully empowered. ACT frees you from the hiccups of growth and often the case, relapse that sends you to additional therapy and coaching. And it taps into the raw levels of motivation… “your emotions”. With a sound thinking strategy and well-tuned emotions, the speed of moving from “A” to “B” in life increases with richness and experiential depth that other modalities do not provide.
Use this evidence based modality by itself or with other modalities and get what you want in life faster and with the greatest of sustainability possible.
- The main ACT Framework called the Hexaflex
- The flow of ACT with the Triflex
- The six points of the Hexaflex with each point broken down
- The six pathologies of Psychological Rigidity
- Infographs like the Map of Choice
- 3 ACT tools, Choice Point, Four Square & the Matrix
- Get 5 powerful starter questions & 6 deeper questions to unhook your mind
- Acceptance broken-down with several methods & demonstrations
- A case study named Johnny
- an introduction into another powerful modality called 6FEM
This course is not a boring powerpoint voice over display course. You’ll stay awake and engaged. There are nearly 200 slides used as reference and guide markers for your downloadable or PDF readable course workbook. Also there is a Black & White (more printer friendly version of the course workbook. This course uses animation flow charts, story telling from actual experiences. Coach Hall delivers lectures and demonstrations. He uses whiteboard animations to keep the course interesting. It is a mix of video delivery methods designed to keep you engaged. Check out the preview videos and enroll today so you can begin to ACT your way towards your goals.