An Introduction To LGBTIQ+ Community And Allyship, Let’s learn about LGBTIQ+ experiences, everyday struggles and how to make them comfortable.
Course Description
Tired of walking around on eggshells around your LGBTIQ+ clients? Worried about unintentionally offending them by using the wrong pronouns?
Or has someone close to you come out as LGBTIQ+ and you want to be a good ally but don’t know how?
Either way, this FREE Express Course is for you!
Being a good LGBTIQ+ ally is all about developing empathy for people who have had different experiences growing up because of their gender identity or sexual orientation.
And the first step to solidarity is unlearning the gender stereotypes that were we’ve grown up with.
In the Free Express Course, Bronte touches upon some fundamental aspects of the LGBTIQ+ community. You will learn about correct pronoun usage, respecting individuals’ gender identity and sexual orientation.
The course also sheds light on terms such as “in the closet” “coming out” “out and proud” “equality” “equity” etc. that are commonly associated with the rainbow community.
So, what are you waiting for? Take your first step towards a rainbow-colored future! Learn about their everyday struggles, their experiences, and how they differ from the cis-heteronormative population.
You can learn more about LGBTIQ+ Inclusive language, activism, and legal rights in the premium Equality network training course.