Art Therapy ; a journey of self-discovery


Art Therapy ; a journey of self-discovery, Art as Insight: Unlocking Personal Growth through Art Therapy.

Course Description

In this brief Art Therapy course we go on a journey, a journey of self-discovery. To help us there are numerous art therapy exercises, beautiful scenery (as part of the exercise) films/film clips/ films with alternate endings.

Plus Case Studies.

But – what is actually covered?

  • How Art Therapy helps with emotional release, self-discovery, stress reduction and improved cognition
  • Structured ways to reflect on your journey
  • How to track your mood during and after the art therapy exercises
  • Structured journalling
  • Sand art
  • Urban rhythms
  • A nature walk
  • The exploration of themes of conflict, co-operation and resolution
  • The processing of past experiences where significant risks have been taken
  • Personal growth, self-awareness, understanding and gradual development
  • How to process stress and escalating situations
  • Turning negatives into positives
  • Rephrase and reframe
  • Fostering connections and reducing loneliness

But the above are just the topics. Within the lectures there are many reflective questions and questions for discussion.

In the resources are case studies, eve more art therapy exercises, links to further research.

So, the lectures you see (including the Previews) are only PART of the whole course. There are many other resources but the most important resources is – you.

If you decide to enrol please make sure you Do the exercises, THINK about the Case Studies and post answers in the Q/A.

Also respond to the posts of other students and then together wall go on a journey, different journeys but in a way, all the same.

About Self.

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