Art Therapy for (complete) Beginners


Art Therapy for (complete) Beginners, Enough about Art Therapy to be useful!.

Course Description

Imagine the scene:

A friend/member of your family comes round. They know you’re quite keen on art and they’ve done a few bits of art themselves. They’d value your opinion, not so much on the art itself but really they’d like to discuss, er, ummm, the ‘feelings’ that arose when doing the art. They’ve read a bit about ‘art therapy’ but haven’t really much idea – can you help?

Well, if you’ve done this course (not enrolled-and-watched-videos but actually DONE the course) you probably can. You stress to your friends that you are NOT, NOT, NOT an art therapist. Merely someone who has done a short course on Udemy and that has whetted your appetite. You’ve done some art therapy exercises; you’ve worked through some Case Studies.

But that is all. You stress that to become a ‘proper’ Art Therapist takes several years and involves a degree and Masters.

That said, you’re quite willing to ‘have a chat’ with your friends about their work – in fact you have some case studies and art therapy exercises (from this course) you could all do together.

Again, you’re not professing to be an Art Therapist, but you do have some ideas, you have done a few Art Therapy exercises yourself so – why not do some more.

And discuss.

One more thing – did your friend(s) bring biscuits?

The ‘elephant in the room’ of course is that as you’re NOT an Art Therapist – and this Beginner’s course will NOT make you one – then you may make mistakes. That is why it is stressed that Art Therapists must be qualified – BUT you’ll learn a few thi9ngs of interest, you’ll enjoy the course – and you’ll learn what Art Therapy is NOT.

Make sure you watch the PREVIEW VIDEOS before enrolling!

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