Arts & Mindfulness In Education, May we give our children roots to grow and wings to fly …
Course Description
This is a course about Arts and Mindfulness in Education, shortened as AMiE (which means ‘friend’ in French).
This is a concise beginners’ course for everyone who wants to learn how to incorporate using the arts as a starting point for a broader and more engaging approach of mindful awareness training for young children.
You don’t need to know anything about mindfulness, and, you need not know anything about art. Knowing something about both may be helpful, yet we created the course with an absolute beginner in mind.
We tailored our course in such a way that one can use it with an individual child or with different sizes of groups of children. Also we tried to keep it open to all ages, even though we ourselves experimented mostly with younger children.
You can use ideas for different concrete playful exercises on our accompanying Calminder website, with the extension ‘eu’. Feel free to sneak a peak there even before you start with this free course!
We kept this course sweet and short, starting with the focus on “What is art-based mindfulness?”, then we help you get to become a bit more mindful yourself. Next we focus on our own AMiE-framework (and how you can use it), and we give some more input on how to work with our Calminder-website (where you can find exercises, music, and a FAQ-list). We added tips and tricks about how to work with art-based mindfulness and we end with offering you guidance towards further material and how to stay connected with the future of AMiE.
Will you become our next ‘amie’ ?