Azure Infrastructure: Cloud Shell and Command Line Tools


Azure Infrastructure: Cloud Shell and Command Line Tools, Prerequisites for AZ-104. Professional Azure Shell training: Learn CLI tools, automation, infrastructure.

Course Description

Master the fundamentals of Azure Cloud Shell and command-line interfaces through this comprehensive course covering Azure CLI, Bash, and PowerShell. This hands-on training program takes you through a structured journey from basic concepts to advanced implementation techniques across three major sections.

Course Outline:

– Understanding Azure Cloud Shell: Dive deep into core components, features, and best practices of the Azure Cloud Shell platform. Learn to navigate the Command Line Interface and implement essential tools effectively.

– Mastering Bash Fundamentals: Explore comprehensive Bash shell operations, including system management, file operations, process control, and Azure CLI integration. Learn through practical demonstrations covering:

* Command line interface components and syntax

* Directory navigation and file management

* Process monitoring and management

* Input/output redirection and command piping

* Administrative access control

* System information management

* Integration with Azure CLI tools

– PowerShell Expertise: Develop advanced skills in PowerShell automation and scripting, covering:

* Cross-platform installation and configuration

* Version management and environment setup

* Command discovery and documentation access

* Object property exploration

* Azure resource management through PowerShell

The course combines theoretical knowledge with hands-on practice through extensive demonstrations and lab exercises. You’ll learn from practical examples and gain real-world experience in using command-line tools for cloud management and automation.

By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:

– Navigate and utilize Azure Cloud Shell’s full feature set

– Execute advanced Bash commands for system and file management

– Implement PowerShell automation scripts for Azure resource management

– Troubleshoot common command-line interface issues

– Apply best practices for cloud shell operations

This course is ideal for IT professionals, system administrators, cloud engineers, and anyone looking to master command-line interfaces in Azure cloud environments. The curriculum provides a perfect balance of fundamental concepts and advanced techniques, ensuring you’re well-equipped to handle real-world cloud management scenarios.

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