Basics of infection control practices in hospital


Basics of infection control practices in hospital, Start your journey of best infection control practices right from here.


Every one of us has gotten sick or dealt with an infection at some point in our lives. That is just considered part of daily life.

However, did you know one of the most common risk places to get an infection is at healthcare facilities such as hospitals, OPD, dental offices, dialysis center,etc.?

Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) are among the most common complications of healthcare services worldwide. These types of infections occur when a person seeks help for one illness or injury and during treatment at a healthcare facility acquires an unrelated illness that was not present at the time of admission.

This course demonstrates the roles of various caregivers involved in a hospital environment to know, what are sources of infection in their surroundings, how they infect others including their colleagues and patient in the hospital and various ways to break the chain of infection.

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