Become a Pro level of WordPress Website Designer, Learn WordPress in Hindi/Urdu from Beginner to Expert Level.
Course Description
You’re here because you want to Become a Pro level of WordPress Website Designer, right?
This WordPress Course was created for you!
Take this course if either of these applies to you:
- You own a business and need more clients OR
- Your Idea involves making a website OR
- You want to learn WordPress
- You want to start your own web design business and sell websites.
75 million users use WordPress making it Number One website content management system (CMS) worldwide. This course explains the most basic features of WordPress and also deals with advanced web design concepts. By the end of this WordPress online training, you will have enough knowledge to create a Professional WordPress website of your own, and not only that but you can create websites for your clients.
In this course, I will take you from start to finish on a journey that will transform you from a complete beginner to someone who can create the three most common types of business website. You will understand all the essentials you need to know in order to start building your experience and, more importantly, your portfolio.
From essential knowledge about how a website works to design fundamentals, such as visual hierarchy and typography, I offer only essential and practical knowledge that you can put to use straight away. The course is not bumped up with tons of theory, but is -instead- a true ‘learn by doing’ experience as you follow along with the project.
Join the course today and journey towards the fulfilment of your potential as a ‘no coding’ web designer.