Book Marketing: Amazon Launch Success & Superior SocialMedia, Launch Strategies, Social Media Secrets and The Importance of Reviews.
Course Description
What will you learn? At the end of this course, students will be able to…
- Build an amazing launch team and know exactly how best to use them. Because having them share graphics is just a drop in the bucket.
- Build the infrastructure you need so your buyers don’t hesitate but buy immediately AND turn them into an audience/community that will buy your next book.
- How to always be trying to reach 1,000,000 people with your message instead of 30 at Barnes & Nobles on a Thursday night.
Dan Morris, your instructor, covers:
- Amazon vs Your Own Site (Domestic & International)
- No Brainer Packages: This is where the money is
- Book Club Sales
- Bulk Sales
- Audio Book Sales
- Turning Readers into a Community
- And much more…
There’s more to becoming a bestselling author than simply writing and publishing a book.
There are steps you need to take both when writing your book and during the publishing process that will make the difference between landing yourself on a bestseller list and hardly selling books.
What is a bestseller list?
A bestseller list is created by different publications indicating and recognizing the top selling books of a given time period in any given number of places.
Everyone has heard of the New York Time’s Bestsellers list. This is by far the most popular list, but there are many other types of bestseller lists out there today.
We also included an audio version of each lecture in the Resources section.
Enroll today and get your book rocketing to the top of the charts!