Build E-Commerce Sites with Beaver Themer + WooCommerce, Customize your WooCommerce site the easy way with Beaver Themer.
In this course, we are going to create a mock WordPress storefront using Beaver Themer and WooCommerce. This course includes assets that allow you to follow along. We’ll go over how to add Woo products, how to bulk import an edit products. Then, we’ll get into the fun part, how to customize our storefront using Beaver Themer!
Course Outline
This video gives you an overview of the course.
Course Assets
This video goes over how to use the course asset files.
Adding Simple Products
This lesson teaches how to:
- Distinguish between simple vs. variable products (00:16)
- Add and name new products (00:41)
- Add short and long descriptions to products (00:55)
- Add categories from product pages and the categories section of the WordPress dash (01:11)
- Add product tags (02:03)
- Add product images (02:10)
- Add product prices (02:14)
Adding Variable Products
This lesson teaches how to:
Turn simple products into variable products using attributes and variations (00:27)
Add multiple steps of variations to variable products (01:50)
Bulk Importing and Editing Products
This lesson teaches how to:
- Use WooCommerces’ integrated .csv import tool (00:05)
- Download a sample spreadsheet from Github (00:27)
- Enter data using Google Sheets (01:05)
- Import your product lists into WordPress to bulk create new products (04:11)
- Bulk edit product listings in WordPress (05:19)
Coupons, Sales and Upsells
In this lesson we will go over:
- How to set a coupon’s type, amount, time limit, and restrictions (00:26)
- How to put items on sale and create pages to display sale items (01:17)
- How to set up and display upsells (0:54)
Setting Up Shipping + Tax Rates
This lesson teaches:
- What shipping zones and methods are and how they work together (00:25)
- About options for extensions that calculate shipping and tax rates (00:47)
- Where weight and dimensions are entered on Product pages (01:24)
- Where tax rate settings are entered into the Settings section of the WooCommerce dashboard (01:41)
Selling Downloads, Memberships and Courses
This lesson teaches:
- How to setup downloadable and virtual products (00:21)
- About options for extensions and add-ons for selling memberships and courses and protecting content behind a paywall (01:07)
Payment Gateways + Site Security
This lesson teaches about options for extensions that will allow you to accept payments on your site and recommends a resource on the Beaver Builder blog about site security.
Types of Themer Layouts
We’ll go over the six types of Themer layouts
- Singular
- Archive
- Part
- Header
- Footer
- 404
Singular Layouts
Singular layouts are the layouts that display single products. In contrast, archive layouts display a group of products. We’ll go over how to use Beaver Themer to create custom layouts for our product pages.
Archive Layouts
Archive layouts are used to display groups of products. For instance we can create custom pages for all the products in the “dresses” category or “pants” category. We’ll learn how to create custom page designs for our WooCommerce archive pages using Beaver Themer.
Part Layouts
In this video, we will utilize a Themer Part Layout to attach a dress size chart to all the dress product pages on our site.
Customer Pages
This video is about
- How short codes are used to pull in customer page content (00:05)
- How to stylize customer page content (00:53)
- How to change the dashboard message using PHP (01:08)
- Resources for learning more about customer page customizations (02:00)
Page Builder Layouts
This video explains the modules used to build our site’s homepage design including:
- Beaver Builder’s Standard Page Builder modules and how they can be used to create a shop homepage (00:32)
- Suggestions for plugins and add-ons that can be used for shop homepages (02:34)
Thank You.