Certification in Customer Experience (CX) Consulting


Certification in Customer Experience (CX) Consulting, Learn Journey Mapping, Needs Assessment, Research, VoC, CSAT, OmniChannel, Segmentation, Engagement & Digital Experience.

Course Description

Take the next step in your career! Whether you’re an up-and-coming professional, an experienced executive, aspiring manager, budding Professional. This course is an opportunity to sharpen your Customer Experience (CX) Consulting capabilities, enhance your assessment and planning efficiency, capabilities, increase your efficiency for professional growth and make a positive and lasting impact in the business or organization.

With this course as your guide, you learn how to:

  • All the basic functions and skills required to understand and apply the fundamentals of Customer Experience (CX) Consulting.
  • Transform Customer Journey Mapping, Client Needs Assessment, Customer Research and Insights, Journey Mapping Workshops, Customer Persona Development including Client Needs Assessment, Persona Creation Workshops, Voice of the Customer (VoC) Programs, Client Needs Assessment, Survey Design and Deployment, Closed-Loop Feedback Process
  • Get access to recommended templates and formats for detailed information related to the fundamentals of Customer Experience (CX) Consulting.
  • Learn about impact on Omni-Channel Experience. Client Needs Assessment, Technology Enablement, Unified Customer Experience. Measurement and Analytics.
  • Invest in understanding Customer Experience (CX) Consulting today and reap the benefits for years to come by enhancing your decision-making skills and applying these insights to achieve more effective outcomes.

The Frameworks of the Course

  • Engaging video lectures, case studies, assessment, downloadable resources and interactive exercises. This course is designed to explore the Customer Experience (CX) Consulting. Customer Journey Mapping, Client Needs Assessment, Customer Research and Insights, Journey Mapping Workshops, Customer Persona Development including Client Needs Assessment, Persona Creation Workshops,
  • The course includes multiple case studies, resources such as formats, templates, worksheets, reading materials, quizzes, self-assessments, film studies, and assignments to deepen and enhance your understanding of Customer Experience (CX) Consulting
  • In the first part of the course, , you’ll learn the details of the You will learn the Customer journey mapping. Customer persona Development. Voice of the customer (VoC) Program. Customer satisfaction (CSAT) Measurement. Omni channel experience.
  • In the middle part of the course, you’ll develop a deep understanding of Customer Service Excellence. Employee Engagement. Digital experience optimization. Personalization and Customization. Complaint management. Customer retention strategies.
  • In the final part of the course, you’ll develop knowledge on understanding Brand Loyalty Program. CX Analytics and insights. Cultural Transformation.

Course Content:

Part 1

Introduction and Study Plan

· Introduction and know your instructor

· Study Plan and Structure of the Course

Customer Experience (CX) Consulting

  1. Customer journey mapping
  2. Customer persona Development.
  3. Voice of the customer (VoC) Program
  4. Customer satisfaction (CSAT) Measurement
  5. Omni channel experience
  6. Customer Service Excellence
  7. Employee Engagement
  8. Digital experience optimization
  9. Personalization and Customization
  10. Complaint management
  11. Customer retention strategies
  12. Brand Loyalty Program
  13. CX Analytics and insights
  14. Cultural Transformation

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