CIPS Diploma L4M3 (Core): Commercial Contracting

CIPS Diploma L4M3 (Core): Commercial Contracting, Practice tests questions with elaborate explanations (latest version, @CIPS 2023) to pass this course on the first try.
Course Description
This is a core module in the Diploma in Procurement and Supply. The questions are developed from the published CIPS Book (copyright @CIPS 2023). Students will benefit from these practice tests as there is an explanation with a reference, page no, relevant paragraph etc. for each question. Students are likely to get the following benefits from this course:
· 143 unique questions.
· Total 06 practice tests
· 05 practice test from Learning Outcomes (83 questions)
· 01 mock test (60 questions).
· Self assessment.
· Questions were prepared proportionately from every learning outcome.
· Explanations have been prepared meticulously.
· Reference paragraph and page no. are given in the explanation.
· Hopefully it will help you to ace your CIPS exam in 1st attempt.
· Updated to the current syllabus.
After completing the first chapter, learners will understand the legal issues that relate to the formation of contracts. Learners will also understand the fundamentals of specifications and key performance indicators that are included in contractual agreements made with suppliers. By completing this course, learners will understand the most important (key) clauses that are included in formal contracts for purchase and supply.
Upon completion of this course, learners will be equipped with an essential range of knowledge and tools that they can apply in their workplaces. Learners will also be able to apply practical, theoretical and technical knowledge; and gain a clear understanding of procurement and supply and develop the ability to address complex, non-routine problems.
Questions are designed in such a manner that learners are able to understand basic knowledge about commercial contracting. These questions will help the learner get a comprehensive perception of the nature and situations occurring in commercial contracting. After completing this course, learners will be able to answer questions that they may face in the real CIPS Exam. Learners also able to analyse, interpret and evaluate relevant information and ideas and have an informed awareness of different perspectives and approaches within the profession.
Upon completion of the six practice tests based on this module, learners will be able to assess their level of preparation for passing the CIPS exam. The questions have been designed according to the CIPS question format so that participants have a real-life experience of the actual CIPS exam.
After completion of a practice test, participants will know their scores immediately, and they will understand their level of preparation for the Learning Outcome on which they have taken the test. Participants will find elaborate explanations (with graph, chart, table, link, etc.) for every question as to why the answer choice is correct. For ease of understanding, the instructor incorporates the page number of the CIPS Module Book from which the question was asked along with the relevant Learning Outcome.
Disclaimer: These practice tests have been produced solely for the purpose of exam preparation. It also facilitates MCIPS aspirants to understand the concepts and ideas of the study guide. The questions and solutions mentioned in these practice tests do not necessarily reflect the views of CIPS. The author requests the participants to go through the study guide before undertaking any investment. These practice tests are by far in no means substitute of CIPS Study Guide.