Cisco IPv6 TSHOOT Labs For CCNA, CCNP, and CCIE Students, Cisco IPv6 Troubleshooting Labs For CCNA, CCNP, and CCIE Students | Challenge yourself, learn it, and solve it!
*** Part of the full Course : Cisco Troubleshooting Labs For CCNA, CCNP, and CCIE Students (The best seller course in the IT troubleshooting Category) ***
Troubleshooting is an essential and important skill for network engineers. As a network engineer, you have to know not just how to configure network devices, but also how to troubleshoot them. And for troubleshooting to be efficient, it has to be systematic and logical and not by random trial and error attempts.
IPv4 uses 32 bits and can address about 4 billion addresses. At the beginning, that was enough. However, with the growth of the Internet, the address space started to be consumed quickly. Private IP addressing NAT or network address translation, CIDR and VLSM helped to slow this consumption, but the issue was still there. It was apparent that a new addressing mechanism should be developed, so IPv6 was created that uses 128 bit addresses.
When someone built a new big house, he or she will add better facilities to this house in addition to enjoying the new size. In addition to IPV6 bigger addressing space, IPv6 includes many new capabilities that simply aren’t available in IPv4.
Since IPv6 is the future of IP addressing considering its large address space and critical improvements, it is vital to understand how to perform troubleshooting of this protocol.
In this course you learn how to troubleshoot IPv6 issues on Cisco routers. If you are already have CCNA level knowledge and/or experience, or you are in the middle of your CCNA studies, then you can use this course as a start for learning advanced troubleshooting.
To understand how troubleshoot IPv6, it is essential to understand how to troubleshoot Ipv4 routing issues, since could be built over IPv4 infrastructure. Therefore I have added a lab to start learning how to troubleshoot IPv4 routing issues.
This course uses multiple explaining ways in addition to videos. At the beginning of the course there is an article for summarized troubleshooting steps that is available for download as a PDF and which I recommend to be read before watching the videos. And for each lab, initial configuration will be available for download in order for students to practice the labs and challenge themselves if they can solve the tickets before watching the videos or even after. In addition, there will be a practice test for the student to check what he has learned.
Let us start the course together and begin the troubleshooting journey. Happy troubleshooting !