Contract Management Masterclass, Contract management in easy steps.
Contract management is an essential part of every business. It is a process of implementing protocols to ensure that suppliers deliver agreed outputs at minimum risk to the organization with maximum returns.
There have been few well-documented public examples of where contracts have failed to deliver to agreed standards, as such there is a growing importance for contract managers to be better equipped to manage contracts.
In this course, I will be sharing with you some practical contract management tools, strategies, and procedures to ensure that contact management is not just treated as a tick box exercise but instead, a tool to optimize products or service outputs. So yes we’ll be covering theories but we will also be covering practical day-to-day processes to help you more effectively manage contracts whether you are new to contract management or an old hand wanting a refresher.
In this course, we’ll be covering
1. Elements of a contract – including offer acceptance and consideration
2. Types of commercial contracts for business
·Fixed price/lump sum
·Cost reimbursement/cost plus
·Time and material
3. Importance of contract management
4. Key contract management activities
· Pre-award
· Post-award
5. Financial Models
· Net present value
· Should the cost model
· What if analysis
6. Contract Management Activities
7. Important skills for contract managers
8. Contract category management
Well, it promises to be a packed but concise course, one which I think you will find valuable. So if this is something of interest to you. Please join the course and I’ll see you in the next lecture.