Create a secure website with Linode and LetsEncrypt!


Create a secure website with Linode and LetsEncrypt, Spin up your very own website for less than 10 dollars a month with SSL encryption and useful data analytics.

Course Description

My course is designed to assist people who want to start their own blog or even small eCommerce store. I utilize Linode virtual machines wordpress instances with LetsEncrypt for free SSL encryption. I will show you how to administrate your site and the server itself via SSH and the wordpress Admin login page. I will go over some useful plugins. By the end of the course you will have a fully operational website secured with SSL and Wordfence.

I will be showing you useful resources and teaching basic web design as well as touching on linux command line and networking principles. The information provided in this course will lay a solid foundation for how websites work and how to administer servers.Make sure to download the pdf in lecture 2. Feel free to ask me questions i respond quickly and all feedback is welcome!

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