Create Amazing Deepdream Trips with AI


Create Amazing Deepdream Trips with AI, get started with the creative possibilities of AI.

– You wonder how these beautiful deepdream zooms are created?

> Here is everything you need to know combined in 35minutes.

– You don’t need expensive software to get high-class results.

– It is a new way of creating animations that was not even possible a year ago.

>> If you want to start exploring the creative possibilities with Ai, here is your way to go. <<

You just need a video-editing program (Adobe Premiere,…), the main part works with an algorithm (you need a Google Account), and it’s for free.

I have given my best to provide you with a high-class course with top audio quality and good examples.

Feel free to give me feedback and ask questions especially if you don’t like something.

The main “programs” I use are for free and I do not know what you expect but I think this technique is easier than I would expect. But needs time. The results are really amazing. We all can thank AI for this possibility.

Even if you do not want to create a trippy zoom. It’s also shown how to make images look really psychedelic or apply any style to your videos in part 2.

In parts 3,4, I will mainly explain how to create the trippy AI-generated zooms if you just want to check this out.

Check the PDF with all the software 😉

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