Create your Ideal Customer Profile


Create your Ideal Customer Profile, Describe, attract, and work with your ideal client.


You will hear a lot about the demographics of a customer persona: location, age, job, marital status, and even buying patterns and pressures.

Yet we also hear about how buying is, ultimately, an emotional decision.

Maybe your ideal client is much more about personality fit, good communication, and similar attitudes than about demographics.

When I think of a customer profile, what I am thinking of it is Customer Context: the context in which your customer lives, works, and most importantly: makes decisions.

A profile is more than a description of how the client looks, where they live, where they work, or what car they drive. It is an understanding of how they operate, how they think, what their priorities are, what matters to them personally: the entirety of their operations and choices.

Build a customer persona based on behaviours and preferences, and you will connect with your clients on a deeper and more significant level.

With the activities you perform in this course, you will immediately recognize the new language you are able to use, and how much more closely you are connecting to your clients because of it. While you build your customer profile, you are also deciding how to talk to and target those customers. At the end of the this course you will be able to

  • Determine your best audience
  • Build a targeted sales process
  • Improve product features to match customer preferences
  • Increase your customer loyalty

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