Creating a community of readers who love to read, Using library thing, librarycat, a.i. and iMovie to help children create their own reading material!
Course Description
Welcome to this course, it is aimed at parents, teachers and caregivers who are passionate about helping inspire children to fall in love with reading and create a community of readers. In this video course I will be sharing a few resources to help you with that purpose. I will start by introducing you to Library Thing which lets you add books to create collections and view your books by their covers, you can tag and rate books as well as find other members who are reading the same books as you. Next, I will share a resource called LibraryCat which lets you create a library circulation system in your class/neighbourhood where children can see the books available and sign them out. Third, I will share how to use a.i. technology to generate images that match the readers’ interests and then add text and then create a video using iMovie. Briefly, I will share how I create read along videos using the iMovie software and then how to export, organize and share them with the team. Lastly, I will conclude by sharing e-book resources such as GetEpic which lets you hear the book being read aloud to you and you can click on words to hear their pronunciation and read the definition of a word.