Creative Writing Sample Lesson, Video lectures and plenty of activities about setting, character and plot with best-selling novelist K.C. Finn.
Course Description
This sample writing lesson comes from best-selling novelist and short story writer K.C. Finn. Here K.C. shows you a brand new method for looking at Setting, Plot and Character which involves many short, simple activities that can make a huge difference to your writing.
Whether you’re brand new to writing or just looking for a fresh perspective on story development, try this free sample session and enjoy creating a piece of writing that’s rich, detailed and will really come to life in readers’ hands.
This course will take you approximately three hours to complete and includes video lectures, downloadable content and external links to even more useful content. The course contains a preparation section, the main creative session involving many small, fun activities, an assignment section which focuses on a larger writing project and a final evaluation section to assess your progress.