Creativity Workshop Master Class TM, With Case Study and Case Method.
About this Master Class:
This course talks about creativity and how as a designer you can become more creative by loosening yourself. Just specifically talks about creative stops like screen printing block printing cycling swimming campfire wandering and discussing with friends on how it can lose in our self to be more creative in order to make unique designs or expressions. You can learn about book making and how to document it as a whole report so that people can understand the details of what you’re trying to say about design documentation learning, also which students can get in this course.
Benefits of the Master Class:
- Students can learn in-depth knowledge of the design documentation process and how to use pictures, videos and detail takes to make a report.
- Application of IDEO design thinking principles like ask, listen, speak, observe and how do you take primary and secondary information from the people’s understanding of this craft and its association, particularly about the island and its surrounding environment including the humans and other living organisms and its habitat.
- How the process has been detailed documented for the Book making and book binding has been told step-by-step with pictures explained through words.
- To mingle and empathise with the people to know about their social economic status their great grandfathers and their generations before how did they settled in this geography what is their job status what do they do for living and what is their education situation what is your goals and dreams in life and how are you seeing your future. When you go to Island like this and get isolated, you will learn a lot about the people in depth to get a complete insight of the community and geography around it.
- Giving details of credit for the people putting proper pictures and giving an acknowledgement preface introduction conclusion this is all needed for documentation skills being a designer it’s a mandatory skill to learn about these technicalities and apply it in your design documentation practices.
- Students can learn about how to apply creativity and express our designs. It’s not just sketching or just dribbling, it’s also about showing the emotions in people by cutting pictures by writing out block prints by showing screen prints by creating positive and negative elements to express our feelings.
- Many pictures and videos of the whole team activity and other things were covered so how creativity is enhanced along with the team working with multicultural people to get a very perspective which is one of the important qualities of being a designer.