Depression : Learn, understand and protect yourself

Depression : Learn, understand and protect yourself, Learn about depression as a clinical disease, and how it influence your mental health.
Course Description
Depression is an important dangerous disease that is frequent in nowadays. According to the world health organisation, the statistics had shown in 2017 that more than 264 millions peoples around the world are touched by depression , and that those numbers are supposed to increas due to many stressful factors and events we’re living in nowadays.
In this course i’m explaining to you in a simple way:
* How to make a difference between a little periode of sadeness (that is so normal to live as a human beings) and a depression as a disease ,
* Different types of depression, where i’m explaining to you how this depresion can occur
* How the hormonal fluctuations in women’s lives influence their moods and may lead them to the depression
* The difference between a simple baby blues and a postpartum depression
* What we do as a doctors in front of patients who suffer from depression
* And finally how to prevent depression by taking care of your mental health