Digital for the Front Line Worker in Oil and Gas, Definitions, Key Technologies, Impacts.
Course Description
Are you a front line worker in oil and gas, and being expected to work with new digital technologies on the job? Are you wondering why your company and the industry is investing in these tools? Are you interested in how innovations like wearables (like smart watches and goggles), smartphone cameras, smart tools, robots and sensors will impact your job?
If you answer YES to these questions, then this course is for you. This series of short lectures covers the basics of digital for the front line worker (field service workers, rig workers, fabricators, welders, mechanics, technicians, contractors, operators, and supervisors — basically anyone who works principally in oil and gas operations).
Front line workers are in the upstream (oil and gas exploration, production), midstream (crude and gas pipeline operations, gas plants, shipping), and downstream (LNG plants, refining, wholesale).
The course presents:
- a simple definition of digital,
- why digital is important for individuals working oil and gas, their companies and the industry at large,
- how digital solutions are developed for use in oil and gas,
- the impacts that digital has on jobs in the industry, and
- the impacts that digital will have on you, the front line worker.
By the end of the course, you’ll have a much better understanding of digital and its impacts on the industry, and the impacts on you as a professional.