Easy Learning Primavera P6-Project Management, Training on Operational use of Basic Primavera P6 with Easy ways.
Course Easy Learning of Primavera P6 is designed to understand Basic concepts of project Management and how it can be use practically in Primavera Application.
Primavera P6 is Project Management Planning and Monitor & control Tools which is commonly used in construction Industry.
intended to give knowledge where beginner can get simple steps to get inside project management environments.
It will give complete requirements need to be work out before start planning project in Primavera P6.
Course will teach student & Professional about Enterprises Project structure and Organisation breakdown structure in Brief.
Course is designed with small Video lectures in steps which can link with standard project management practices. Primavera P6 is ERP ( Enterprise Resource Planning )
Applications so its has complex features. Course given simple ways to understand the process of mapping project in Primavera P6
Course Easy learning Primavera P6 is Focusing on
- Creation of EPS ( Enterprises Project Structures) ifs project Hierarchy of projects initiated under one common groups
- Creation of OBS ( Organisation breakdown Structure) ifs Responsible Units Hierarchy initiated under one common groups
- Creation & Customisation of Calendar
- Creation of New project
- Creation Activity Relationship
- Creation of Schedule
- Creation of Budget and Spending plan
- Creation & Maintain Baseline
- Project Executions & Report Generation
- View and layouts
By using this course student can easily work on application P6 in Planning & Project Progress update areas.