Economics and Art Therapy – an unusual combination! Three very short courses applying ‘Sakshi’.
Course Description
This is a very unusual course. I am using ‘Sakshi’ as a means of introducing topics within:
- Economics (No need to have studied – or wanted to study – Economics before)
- Art Therapy
The approach – and the references, film clips, stills, use of student’s artwork, and overall approach is to give Economics students an idea of the other topics I cover – and the same for Art Therapy students.
- Even though you may never have studied Economics (or wanted to!) the approach here is a bit different as this is ‘Sakshi and Economics’ rather than ‘just Economics’.
- Much the same can be said for Art Therapy. You may have no interest in becoming an Art Therapist BUT the Art Therapy here is ‘Sakshi Art Therapy’ and so is the application.
So, if you have studied Economics: step outside your box and learn a bit about Art Therapy
So, if you have studied Art Therapy, step outside your box and learn a bit of Economics
In short, learn about Sakshi…
This is a SHORT course but still long enough to extend you a little and plenty of chances for you to apply (and then report back) what you have learned. There is a great encouragement for you to post in Q/A and to comment on the posts of others.
A lot of Instructor – student interaction.