Essential Secrets of JSON, Learn all about JSON specifications which can be helpful in our day-to-day programming.
Course Description
This course is intended for those who are interested in learning the JSON. In this course, Essential Secrets of JSON, you will learn everything about JSON. You’ll have an opportunity to practice creating and accessing JSON data using JavaScript. Then you’ll learn some real-time use cases of JSON. Then you’ll also learn how to handle some of the gotchas and common mistakes when working with JSON.
The course is structured as follows:
- Introduction to JSON
- JSON Specification
- Real world example of JSON usage with PDFco cloud API
- Why should I use JSON
- JSON vs. XML. How it differs from XML?
- Exploring and structuring JSON data and Beautify it
- How to handle some of the gotchas and common mistakes when working with JSON
- Conclusion
See you in the class!