Fantasy Writing – TEN lessons from Sarah J Maas,You don’t learn to write fiction just by taking classes. You learn to write by reading the writers you love.
Fiction Writing 101
Learn to write like YOUR favorite writer.
You don’t learn to write fiction just by taking classes. You learn to write by reading the writers you love.
Fiction Writing 101 is an introduction for beginner students new to writing and for those struggling to get published.
This short and simple course shows you powerful techniques to get you started writing fiction…in the style of your favorite writer.
understand the real reasons we love to read fiction (HINT – Immersion!)
learn to Analyse and Synthesise short pieces of writing by top writers
build a toolkit of essential skills for fiction writers including Narrative & Scene, Style & Voice, Inner Monologue & Outer Worldbuilding.
And the best piece of writing advice…EVER!
Part One: Introduction
One of Damien’s students is in love with Sarah J Maas and wants to write just like her. We look at why we love to read fiction – immersion.
Part Two: Analysis
A deep reading of The Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J Maas and analysis of her key strengths as a writer.
Part Three: Writing Toolkit
Building a toolkit of writing skills based on the analysis of Sarah J Maas that you can apply to your own fiction writing.
Part Four: Synthesis
Damien writes his own opening chapter based on Sarah J Maas and invites you to learn by completing the exercise of Analysis and Synthesis.
Damien Walter teaches The Rhetoric of Story and Writing the 21st Century Myth to over 35,000 students worldwide. His stories and non-fiction have been published with the BBC, Guardian, Independent, Oxford University Press, Wired, Buzzfeed and many more.