Fire Safety Training – Practical


Fire Safety Training – Practical, Vital Information for Fire Fighting.

Course Description

This course content is not in a structure that is read from slides.

It is a course prepared by expert trainers in a fluent and memorable style.

Fire is a disaster that can occur anywhere at any time. Fortunately, with the necessary knowledge and equipment, we can eliminate it and continue our lives unharmed. Only equipment or only knowledge may not benefit us.

We must have the right knowledge and sufficient equipment at the same time. How do we intervene in an oil fire we encounter in our kitchen? Is the first thing that comes to your mind to intervene with water? After this wrong intervention, we may have to live with burn scars that last a lifetime. Fire will not only appear in our workplace. Maybe at a birthday party, maybe at a concert night we attend, it can host us.

In this training, we will learn some memorable and life-saving information to be ready for fire at any time. We take some precautions to protect against theft. For example, security cameras, safe deposit boxes, steel doors, etc. But what about Fire Safety, do we buy a Fire Extinguisher for our home?

This training aims to introduce you to fire protection, correct intervention techniques and fire. How to use Fire Extinguishers? We tried to convey it to you with Applied Videos.

You will see almost all types of fire extinguishers.

In this training, where I try to convey some of the events I have seen in the field, we will see the importance and indisputable benefits of taking precautions in fire safety. We will see that the intervention techniques change according to the burning material and how important the training is. The information you learn today will play a big role in saving you and your loved ones tomorrow. You should take fire precautions in your home and train all members in this regard.

Dr. Fatih ŞAHİN

About me

Since 1998, I have been working in our family company Şahin Fire Extinguishing Systems, which has been in the Fire Safety sector for more than 10 years.

I am a Level IV Fire Safety Instructor. I have given over 1000 Fire Fighting Trainings so far.

I completed my master’s thesis titled Investigation of Fire Safety Awareness in Adults in Sakarya University Fire and Fire Safety Master’s program.

I completed my PhD thesis titled Investigation of Fire Safety Trainings in Turkey at International Dublin University – Fire Engineering PhD program. I graduated from the PhD program in September 2023.

I successfully completed the prototype production of AYGÜS (Intelligent Autonomous Fire Extinguishing Systems), one of my projects approved and supported by KOSGEB.

Sakarya University Fire Research and Application

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