FREE Essential English Idioms For Survival -Part 1

FREE Essential English Idioms For Survival -Part 1, Speak like a native English speaker! 35 Essential idioms for everyday use.
Hello and welcome to a free mini-course series!
In this mini-series, we will be focusing on idioms! There will be 35 idioms that are essential in everyday life, which means you will encounter them on a daily basis if you talk with other people, whether it’s at the grocery store, at a coffee shop, with your neighbor, or with your new friend. If you decide to go abroad to North America such as Canada and the USA, then you will find this course very helpful.
When you’re chatting with people in a completely western society, people often use idioms in everyday speech. It’s just the way they are taught when growing up natively. However, for English as a second language, student idioms can be very difficult and hard to learn! That’s why I’m here to provide some help with that. You will learn some of the most commonly used idioms that are in everyday speech. (Take it from a person that grew up in Canada all this life.)
The key to learning a new language is to practice, so please speak out loud with me in each of the slides. Not only you will remember the information more, but it will also help you retain it more as well.
If you REALLY want to speak like a native speaker, make new friends, and adjust to a new culture then this course is absolutely for you. Not only it’s FREE, but it’s also fun!
Let us begin!