Fundamentals of DC Circuits with Tips and Tricks

Fundamentals of DC Circuits with Tips and Tricks, DC Circuits analysis.
Course Description
This course explains how to analyze circuits that have direct current (DC) or voltage sources. This course introduces the fundamental concepts of electrical direct current (DC) circuits and the most common practice problems students face during studying. To make learning easier tips and tricks have been shared in each topic. It will help students to understand the techniques used in DC circuits in the simplest manner. Students of this course will learn how to solve electrical circuit problems with DC sources using different techniques such as KVL, KCL, Nodal Mesh Analysis. These techniques are the basics of any electrical circuit problem or electronic circuit problem.
DC Circuit Analysis is important because whatever the circuit you see in daily life, it uses the concept of voltage and current. This concept of voltage and current is well explained in this course.
The course has its importance because it explains the following topics
1. Terms Commonly used in DC Circuit .
2. Difference between DC / AC Circuits
3. Application of Current Divider Rule
4. Application of Voltage Divider Rule
5. Solving Circuit using KVL and KCL
6. Solving Circuit using Nodal Analysis
7. Solving Circuit using Mesh Analysis
Students willing to take this course should have some basic knowledge about circuits such as parallel and series connection of resistors and Ohm’s law.