Gain Fundamental Skills To Talk With And Listen To Others
Gain Fundamental Skills To Talk With And Listen To Others, Most people don’t have the time or the interest to stop and pay attention to what is being said. Choose your words!
Course Description
Communication is the only way of getting information across to the other party. However good the information, quick and effective deliverance is extremely important as the attention span of most of us today is very short, and this is especially so if the material being communicated is rather boring.
Since our minds are crammed with so much of information, there is very little time or space to indulge in frivolous and irrelevant information thus the need to be precise and quick when communicating. Also, with hectic schedules and distractions to contend with, it is often quite hard to take the time to stop and pay attention to what is being communicated.
Hi I’m Brent Dalley and I have spent my career teaching, coaching, counselling, instructing, encouraging, interviewing and sometimes even firing people. I have written several courses on the various aspects of communication and I have written this one just for you. The person who just wants to get down to the basics and get the job done.
It has been said that communication is the problem to the answer. Think about that for a moment!
With that in mind I have prepared this playlist to give you the information you need to ensure the information you are communicating is done so in the shortest possible time frame, and yet will be fully understood by the receiving party, your audience: keep those two keys in mind, shortest time and fully understood. Think of the problems that will solve for you and those around you.
Did you know that the most common reason for miscommunication is when the presenter doesn’t really understand the message or even himselfor herself? It’s important enough that I included it in these lectures and addressed it first.
Next you will learn how to use terms that invoke emotion in yourself and your audience.
I touch on body language as sometimes your audience will form an immediate opinion of you based on your body language and, if negative, that communication in less than 30 seconds has effectively shut down any further communication.
Finally, at the end of this playlist I will help you understand why a one minute presentation is so important in today’s world.
Thanks for your time. I hope to see you on the inside