Garden of a Calm Mind for Anxiety, Learn to Manage your Anxiety a whole new way!
Do you struggle with anxious thinking that feels uncontrollable? Do you wonder what happened to the “real you”? Are you worried you’ll never get your life back?
This is the first course of a series of modules about how to handle anxiety in an effective, lasting way, starting at the very roots of anxiety. For the full course, visit Apply Your Focus dot com. Learn how you can become free from the shackles of anxiety!
This course covers how energy plays a role in how you feel. Anxious thinking leads to anxious feelings, and then you get stuck in a loop of anxious thoughts and feelings, which feed on each other. If you don’t know how to get out of this loop, you will find yourself never feeling the peace you crave so badly.
In this course, you’ll learn step by step instructions for you to follow to get at the roots of what is causing your anxiety. You will come to understand the process that starts the whole cycle and what you can do about it. If you believe you have a choice, you are right. If you believe you don’t have a choice, you are right. You choose what you want to think and do. You can’t necessarily choose your feelings, especially when your thoughts are going in a certain direction. Your feelings automatically follow.
Let me show you how you can get out of the anxiety loop and not feed the anxiety anymore. It begins with this course. YOU begin to manage what’s in your head, and step by step, you will come to feel more peace.